Tide® HE Point-of-Purchase Displays

Solutions developed for Landor Associates, these displays were developed to be positioned at retail outlets that sold high-efficiency (HE) washers. New to the market, consumers were unaware of the issues using regular laundry detergent that would create excessive amounts of foaming ‘suds’ that would in-turn, burn-out water pumps in the washing machines causing significant warranty repairs. Sales personnel would advise consumers to use half the recommended dosage of laundry detergent to prevent excessive foam however the clothes would not get cleaned properly.

Promoting Tide® HE detergent, the displays explained the benefits of the low sudsing  detergent that could be used at full dosage. Ultimately the display that utilized a small water reserve that would illustrate the quantity of water used by traditional clothes-washing machines was selected to manufacture and promote to retail outlets. The display shows how HE machines use significantly less water in comparison with traditional machines.